Sunday, 7 June 2015

Monthly Roundup: May

Technically, I'm rounding up the end of April in this as well but close enough. It was an action packed month but here are some of the highlights: 

65 Years of Wedded Bliss
My great Aunt and Uncle celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary this month and we made the pilgrimage to celebrate it with them. They live around 5 hours north of Melbourne but, because we're good family members, Mum, Nan and myself drove on up. Luckily, it also helped add some hours to my learner driver log book. I got to see heaps of family members, including my third cousins, who we don't get to see often. Though I don't know them terribly well, they are all really nice and it is great to see my Mum and Nan enjoying time with the family. 

A Venture into Public Relations
Throughout April and May, I started testing out the idea of sponsored content on this here blog. Firstly, I wrote 'Australia Week' which was sponsored by True Blue Migrations. While I don't think I would partner with a company like that again, as it doesn't really fit my blog genre and the incentive to do it was sub-par, it was a good learning curve. That made it easier to talk to Scholl when they sent me some of their products. I ended up deciding to do it, as much as I hate pictures of feet, and I think it payed off. It fitted in better with the theme of my blog and I think people enjoyed it! We will have to see if this goes anywhere but I think I'm learning to turn people down a bit easier. 

All of The Sequins
This month consisted of two trips to the theatre! How exciting! My family is full of musical theatre buffs, which is surprising due to the men to women ratio in my family, so twice in one month is no real surprise. For Mother's Day Mum, Nan and I took a trip to the city for some shopping and a matinee performance of Strictly Ballroom. Boy, was there a lot of sequins in that one! It was a fun, undeniably Aussie, comedy that involved some serious ballroom dancing. The second play we saw involved more tap dancing (side note, am I the only one who really loves tap dancing?) than ballroom but it was just as good, if not better. My grandma scored us tickets to Anything Goes from a friend who was unable to use them and it turned out we were seeing a preview. The best thing about seeing a preview was that we got to see some musical theatre greats, Caroline O'Connor and Todd McKenney, totally break down in fits of laughter when their co-star made a mistake. It was hilarious! The whole thing culminated in three takes of the same scene and a door handle falling off. The things that happen in live theatre! 

Top 5 Favourite Songs This Month
1. Shut Up and Dance - Walk The Moon
2. Let It Go - James Bay
3. See You Again - Wiz Khalifa feat. Charlie Puth
4. Nothing To Lose - Jussie Smollett (Empire Soundtrack)
5.  Bad Blood - Taylor Swift feat. Kendrick Lamar

Top 5 Things That Happened This Month
1. The Avengers: Age of Ultron was amazing. As expected.
2. I went out for dinner with my two brothers and Tom totally forgot to show up. It was hilariously infuriating.
3. I made multiple visits to my grandparent's house in the country this month. It is nice to connect with them better and the extra driving hours don't hurt. 
4. I got to connect with my new boyfriend, a six foot tall teddy bear. 
5. Two of my best friends share a birthday, so I got to celebrate two for one! We went out for lunch on the actual day to our favourite chinese place and then we had a sleepover to celebrate Sharma's sweet 16th. 

Lots of Love, 




  1. I understand about the PR possibilities, but like you said, you should stick to things that match your personality, blog, & brand. :]

    // ▲ ▲

    1. Definitely keeping it minimal and relevant from here on out xx

  2. That 6 foot teddy bear looks amazing ^_-, loved this post! x

    1. That teddy is all I need in my life! Thank you so much xx

  3. Thank you, thank you, I try xx

  4. I love this post and it's a lovely idea to look back on the month and all the things that you enjoyed doing and appreciate them :) x


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