Sunday, 4 January 2015

Things I Want To Do In 2015

To top off my few days of New Years related posts, I figured I would jump on the bandwagon and share some things I want to do in 2015 with you all.

Do some volunteer work
I've been saying this for a couple of years now but I haven't actively sought out anything to do. I have already started doing a bit of research, though I will wait until I find the perfect thing to help out with. There is no point to doing volunteer work unless you personally feel passionate about the cause, then you will just end up letting everyone at the charity/event down. I would also be interested in giving blood, I'm pretty sure you can do that over the age of 16. 

Expand my blog's readership
Basically I just want to make everything bigger and better. I want to increase my readership through the honest means of improving my writing and photography skills. Shout out to my blogging Yoda has given me some tips on getting my blog out there on the social medias, so everything's coming up LOLS this year! 

Expand my blog's content 
Though I really do love writing about all things beauty, that was not my original intention for this blog. I wanted to do some beauty posts, some pop culture posts and the occasional random other type of post. Throughout the first couple of months I found myself falling into the hole of using the ideas that came to me the easiest and these were always beauty posts. Though I want those posts to continue I do want to incorporate some film reviews and other stuff kinda like that. It will probably be a 2 parts beauty, 1 part pop culture thing once I get into the groove. 

Focus on my school work and get organised
As I get closer to finishing up my school life (thank god, I can't wait for a change) things are getting far more serious. I'm going two year 12 classes this year and I really need to focus so that I can achieve great things. Study and homework needs to be prioritised above everything else and I need to nail my organisation so that I don't get burnt out. I'm not too bad at the whole organisation thing and I always get all my work done (I HATE getting in trouble so I avoid it at all costs), but I would always do better and now would be the time to do so. 

Get my driving hours up
I'm ashamed to say that I've had my learners permit for near on a year now and I have precisely 1 hour of experience. After I received lessons for Christmas I'm now resolved to putting in the time and getting my hours up so that I can eventually get my P plates. 119 hours in a year may be a tough feat but I'll at least take a chunk off it. 

So there are some things I want to do in 2015! I would love to hear some of your resolutions in the comments below. 

Lots of Love, 




  1. I totally had the same with my blog, I fell into writing about beauty all the time when I actually wanted to be a lifestyle blog! I did a big change in what I was writing about and now I enjoy my blog a lot more - just with the occasional beauty post! I hope you have an amazing 2015 :) x

    Jasmin Charlotte | UK Lifestyle Blog

  2. Good to hear other people have fallen into the same routine but have gotten themselves back on track! That gives me a lot of hope. I hope you have a great 2015 too and continue to enjoy working on your blog xx


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