Monday, 21 September 2015

Where Have You Been?

You know you're a fail of a blogger when you get this text from your Dad... 

"Got much on tomorrow? Maybe you should do some blogging. One month since your last entry, your pores should be free by now."

Way to make me feel guiltier than I already do, Dad. 

Talk about writers block! I know, I know, I've been neglecting my little corner of the internet far too much lately and honestly I do not have a good excuse. Sure, I could ramble on about how I have exams coming up and I've been the busiest of bees recently but that would be pointless for us both. It's not as though I have been doing that much more than ever before, yet somehow I cannot get my act together and write a blog post. 

Mostly I'm putting it down to laziness and a lack of creative thoughts. I haven't had any good ideas of things to write so I keep pushing it back until I think of something. 

It is only in the past few days that I have realised that creativity breeds creativity and to get my cogs moving again I actually have to start writing. So here I go! I'm sorry this is probably very rusty indeed but I will get better as I dust off my writing skills. Do I know what to write? Absolutely not, I still have that to figure out. 

Thanks for sticking around. 

Lots of Love, 


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