Thursday, 12 February 2015

Top 5 Beauty Bloggers

I figured it has been a while since I've shared some of my most read blogs, so it is time to spread some love! I obviously read far more than five blogs regularly but I've narrowed it down to my top five of the moment. Though I haven't included my close blogging friends (such as the gorgeous Chloe) or the superstars (like Lily, Anna, Amelia and EsteĆ©) so that I can give some attention to my other favourites. It's only a top five after all. 

1. Like Neon Love
Tenneil is an Aussie blogger who just rocks in every way shape and form. Her blog is so professional from the pictures to the content to the writing, it's serious #bloggoals. Her posts continue to be really well thought out and you can tell that she puts to much effort into each and every one. Tenneil has a personal preference towards higher end products and that is something I love because it just adds to the already luxurious feel of her blog. I've loved hearing about her big move from Perth to Melbourne (Melbourne girls all the way!) and I'm looking forward to continue following her on her life journey. 

2. Anna Blush
This blog also belongs to an Aussie beauty who hails from Perth, I swear I'm not being bias towards the Australians it just happens to be this way on my bloglovin' timeline at the moment. Anna is someone I've been lucky enough to interview in my Beauty Interview series (check it out HERE) so I have interacted with her and I can vouch that she is absolutely lovely. There is something about her posts that draw me in every time, I'm sure its just that we're on the same wavelength and everything she writes about I am interested in. Her photography and writing skills are off the hook, I'm jealous. Also, Anna's recent Bronzers for Pale Girls post is a godsend for us ghostly ladies. 

3. The Chloe Look
It's starting to become a pattern that I enjoy blogs with good writing and photos, shocking I know, and Chloe's blog is no exception. She is an English beauty blogger who seems to be getting more and more readers by the minute. Her Valentines Day Gift Guide post is really helpful because it includes gifts for both girls and guys, these are the kinds of things that Chloe thinks to include because she is so thoughtful about each of her posts. I have also been lucky enough to interview Chloe HERE if you would like to take a look at that. 

4. Fashion Fixes Hearts 
The newest addition to my most read list, Charlotte is a french blogger (her posts are written in English though) who is fairly new to the game. I'm starting to run out of things to say because I like pretty much the same things about all of these blogs. As per usual, her writing, pictures and content is great and it keeps me coming back time after time. The fact that I have said basically the same things about everyone should not be seen as a negative towards Charlotte or anyone because these are my absolute favourites. There have been plenty of blogs that I don't enjoy as much and therefore don't read often or at all anymore. On top of all the content love, I'm also a big fan of the name of this blog. Fashion Fixes Hearts, awesome. 

5. Ghostparties
This one is the most popular of the bunch but I still needed to include it because Kate is one of the, if not THE, best blogger I have ever encountered. Everything about her and her brand is just on point. From her light and airy pictures that give me hope that I can still have really nice pictures if they all have a similar background, to her amazing interior decoration taste, it's all perfect. The style and layout of her blog is really nice and easy to navigate, you can tell that it is very professional. To top it all off, Kate is just a gorgeous human. She's just got it all going on. 

I've linked all of these lovely ladies blogs and twitters within their blocks of writing so make sure you go check them all out. Give them some love and tell them I sent you! Please give me some recommendations for blogs to read in the comments below, I'm always looking for the new best thing. 

Lots of Love, 



  1. Hello doll <3 Thank you so much that's really sweet! I'm glad you like to read my post! I'm doing my best to write them in an "ok english" haha
    Also happy that you like the name <3 Story of our lives! Anyway thanks again for the mention!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  2. I definitely need to add some of these to my blog reading list! Great post!

    Katie xx



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