Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Day 12: The Christmas Table

I've decided to end 12 Days of Blogmas with some pictures of our Christmas table this year. I'm so happy with the way it turned out after I found a picture on Pinterest and set my family and friends on a mission to create something similar. I'm sorry this post is slightly late but these photos had to be taken once the table was set and you can't do that too far ahead. Plus I was spending time with my family, it's Christmas after all. 

The table is made up of a white table cloth and a hessian runner that we made by buying a piece of hessian fabric 1/2 a metre wide from the fabric store. On top of this is a variety of logs that were sourced from a fallen log in our friends back yard and cut into suitable pieces from that same friend, good person he is. He logs were dressed up with a variety of jars, pine cones we found and plastic greenery that I cut into pieces. In the jars are electric tea lights so that the smoke doesn't fog up the jars and we don't have to risk setting Christmas dinner on fire. That would be an interesting story to tell though. The actual place settings are just cutlery, a napkin and my homemade place card holders (see how to make them HERE). 

Obviously it is a bit late for this post to be anything but eye candy for you. Thats okay because you can just bookmark it for inspiration for next Christmas, nothing like being organised. Or you could just forget all about it, that's good too. 

Merry Christmas everyone, I hope your day is/was as happy and full of love as mine surely will be. 

Lots of Love, 


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