Thursday, 3 July 2014

Skincare Revisited

A couple of months back I wrote a post about my Clinique skincare system and I instantly regretted doing so. I was obviously in a bad mood that day (I remember writing it while stressing out about the amount of schoolwork I had to complete that evening) and wrote a terribly unfair post that bashed the products and called them useless. I have been thinking about doing this post for a while now and I have finally got a clear idea of each product so that I can give a fair and far more reasonable review. 

Clinique Rinse-Off Foaming Cleanser 
This product is a fantastic makeup remover and the first of my four steps. I use this at night to take up my makeup by splashing my face with water and massaging a 5 cent coin amount of product all over my face. I have quite sensitive eyes and even water makes them sting (the idea of opening my eyes under water terrifies me) but this product does not make it any worse. I am quite comfortable massaging this into my eyelashes to get off mascara and it doesn't cause me any pain. When I rinse this off, all of my makeup is gone and my face is squeaky clean. The only problem I see with this is the packaging as the product often gets caught up and a bit gross around the cap because it is stored upside down. 

Clinique Liquid Facial Soap in Mild 
After I have cleaned my makeup off, I like to go in with a second cleanser to actually clean my skin. This is the beginning of the classic Clinique three step system. This soap I use day and night - I have a bit decanted in a smaller bottle so that I can use it in the shower in the morning. This gives my skin the good clean it needs after a long day and leaves it feeling nice and soft. If you don't use a moisturiser after this it may leave your skin feeling a bit tight but that's easily avoidable. This one is running out a lot faster than the other steps, but that's probably my fault because they say to use barely any product but I need to feel like I'm doing something. 

Clinique Clarifying Lotion 2 
This is the product where I can't tell if it works or not. It is a lightly exfoliating toner that I presume does it's job. I have quite dry skin but no real dry patches, so I assume it works. I only use it in conjunction with the other products so I can't speak for how well it works on it's own, but as a part of the group it's doing fine. My only issue is another packaging one. I'm always so paranoid that I will drop/ knock over the bottle and I will lose all of the expensive liquid. It's just like a bottle of lemonade that can pour out really easily, which is not the safest for a product as liquidy as this. 

Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturising Gel 
This is my favourite of the products as it is the perfect light moisturiser for day and night. Once you rub it into your face, it leaves it feeling moisturised but in no way sticky or thick. I think this can be attributed to the fact that it is a gel and is absorbed by the skin really quickly. 

When I wrote the first post I talked about how the products were expensive and I didn't think they did anything for the price. I can now tell you that I was wrong. I expected using high end skincare to stop me from ever getting any pimples and to get rid of my constantly red nose, which is unrealistic and basically impossible. Sure I have been having bad skin for the past few weeks, I can't blame that on my skincare because it's not blemish control! If I were using the anti-blemish range from Clinique it may be a different story. All in all, I really do love these products and am likely to use them again. 

Lots of Love, 


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