Sunday, 29 December 2013

What Is This All About?

As a budding young writer/ anti-social internet lover, I thought blogging might be a good thing to try. My new years resolution is to be committed to blogging twice a week for the whole year, though my track record with resolutions isn't great I'm really going to give this one a go. My basic plan is to post a sort of journal entry this is life type of post on a Monday (oooh that's today, that's what this is) and a product review rather girly post on a Friday. I'm going to be learning as I'm going, but I think it would be worth sticking around for a couple of weeks while I find my feet. 

Now for a little bit about myself before I go. I am a 15 year old girl from Melbourne, Australia who has been told her whole life that she acts at least 35. I am in no ways a risk taker and have earned the not so fun nickname of Grandma from my friends. This does not mean I don't have any fun, I'm definitely a cool Grandma. I love makeup, books, music and pretty much all things girly (so cliché) so they will be my main reviews on a Friday. 

Thank you so much for checking this blog out and I really do intend to get much better from here. 

Lots of love, 

Shannon xo

Feel free to follow me on twitter as well: @shanny_hudson
© Lots of Love, Shannon. All rights reserved.